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Make your website smarter
All-in-one analytics solution
Detailed visitor profile
Heatmap visualization
Advanced SEO features & tool
Powerful event tracking
Marketing campaign tracking
Enhanced eCommerce support
Create goals & funnels
Customizable Dashboard & Widgets
Includes Right Now Dashboard
Full WordPress integration
Full WooCommerce integration

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Metrics, user behavior, SEO tool, enhanced E-Commerce, artificial intelligence, a must-have for your effective digital marketing strategy.

From User Behavior to marketing Campaign performances, AFS Analytics helps you, day after day, gather, stock and analyze essential metrics of your website or online store. This sum of knowledge acquired over time will soon constitute one of your most valuable asset. A priceless resource to help you monitor and improve user satisfaction.

Easy to use, in addition or as an alternative to google analytics.

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AFS Analytics Dashboard

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    Only general information about your website are needed. No credit card required.

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    快连lets 官网

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    And if you are one of those geeks, various packages are freely available to make your task easier.

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    Your website metrics are already available for you to monitor in real time.

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Enhanced Ecommerce

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